SPECIES LIST Last Update:   Feb-22          
Click Common Name to go to images
Note: there is no punctuation in the names, e.g. St. John's Wort is simply st johns wort, to help ease of searching
Common Name Other Names Latin Name Family Flower Colour No of petals Colour ID On Tiny web page
Water Lily White Water Lily Nymphaea alba Water-Lily Family (Nymphaeaceae) White Many Whites & Pale  
Water Plantain   Alisma plantago-aquatica Water-Plantain Family (Alismataceae) Pale pink 3 Whites & Pale  
Lords and Ladies / Cuckoopint Arum Lilly, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Naked boys Arum maculatum Arum Family (Araceae) Green   Browns  
Himalayan Balsam Indian Balsam, Policeman's Helmet, Poor Man's Orchid Impatiens glandulifera Balsam Family (Balsaminaceae) Red, Pink   Reds, Pinks  
Cleavers / Goosegrass Bedstraw, Sticky Willy Galium aparine Bedstraw Family (Rubiaceae) white 4 Whites & Pale Yes
Field Madder   Sherardia arvensis Bedstraw Family (Rubiaceae) Pale pink 4 Whites & Pale, Blues & Purples Yes
Garden Lobelia   Lobelia erinus Bellflower Family (Campanulaceae) Purple 5 Blues, Purples  
Trailing Bellflower   Campanula poscharskyana Bellflower Family (Campanulaceae) Purple 6 Blues, Purples  
Field Bindweed European Bindweed, Lesser Bindweed, Perennial Morning Glory, Posession Vine, Small-Flowered Morning Glory Convolvulus arvensis Bindweed Family (Convolvulaceae) Pale pink Trumpet Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Hedge Bindweed Creeping Jenny, Lesser Bindweed Calystegia sepium Bindweed Family (Convolvulaceae) White, Pink Trumpet Whites & Pale  
Large Bindweed Heavenly Trumpet Calystegia silvatica Bindweed Family (Convolvulaceae) White Trumpet Whites & Pale  
English Bluebell   Hyacinthoides non-scripta Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae) Blue Bluebell-Like Whites & Pale, Blues & Purples  
Spanish Bluebell   Hyacinthoides hispanica Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae) Blue, White, Pink Bluebell-Like Inc in the above  
Grape Hyacinth   Muscari neglectum Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae) Blue Bluebell-Like Blues, Purples  
Green Alkanet   Pentaglottis sempervirens Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Blue 5 Blues, Purples  
Borage   Borago officinalis Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Blue 5 Blues, Purples  
Creeping Comfrey   Symphytum grandiflorum Borage Family (Boraginaceae) White, Pink Bell-Like Whites & Pale  
Hidcote Blue Comfrey   Symphytum x hidcotense Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Pink, Purple Bell-Like Blues, Purples  
White Comfrey   Symphytum orientale Borage Family (Boraginaceae) White Bell-Like Whites & Pale  
Fiddleneck   Amsinckia micrantha Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Early Forget Me Not   Myosotis ramosissima Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Blue, Pink 5 Blues, Purples  
Field Forget Me Not   Myosotis arvensis Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Blue, Pink 5 Inc in the above  
Wood Forget Me Not   Myosotis sylvatica Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Blue, Pink 5 Inc in the above  
Lungwort   Pulmonaria officianalis Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Blue, Pink 5 Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Hairy Bittercress   Cardamine hirsuta Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White 4 Whites & Pale  
Wavy Bittercress   Cardamine flexuosa Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White 4 Inc in the above  
Charlock   Sinapsis arvensis Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow 4 Yellows & Oranges  
Garlic Mustard Jack-by-the-Hedge Allaria petiolata Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White 4 Whites & Pale  
Annual Honesty   Lunaria annua Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Purple, Pink, White 4 NEED FLOWER  
Ladys Smock Cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Pink, White 4 Whites & Pale  
Black Mustard   Brassica nigra Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow 4 Yellows & Oranges  
Hedge Mustard   Sisymbrium officinale Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow 4 Inc in the above  
Field Pennycress   Thiaspi arvense Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White 4 Whites & Pale  
Shepherds Purse   Capsella bursa-pastoris Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White 4 Whites & Pale  
Swine Cress   Lepidium coronopus Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White, Green 4 Greens Yes
Lesser Swine Cress   Lepidium didymum Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) White, Green 4 Greens Yes
Wild Turnip Field Mustard Brassica rapa Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow 4 Yellows & Oranges  
Wallflower   Erysimum cheiri Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow, Orange 4 Yellows & Oranges  
Wintercress   Barbarea vulgaris Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow 4 Yellows & Oranges  
Medium-Flowered Wintercress   Barbarea intermedia Brassica/Mustard Family (Brassicaracea) Yellow 4 Inc in the above  
Red Bartsia   Odontites vernus Broomrape/Bartsia Family (Orobanchaceae) Pink, Pale Many Reds, Pinks  
White Bryony Red Bryony Bryonia diocia Marrow Family (Cucurbitaceae) Green 5 Greens Yes
Amphibious Bistort   Persicaria amphibia Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) Pink, Red, Pale Berry-like Reds, Pinks  
Broad Leaved Dock   Rumex obtusifolius Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) Pink, Red, Green Many Greens, Browns, Reds & Pinks Yes
Clustered Dock   Rumex conglomeratus Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) Pink, Red, Green Many Inc in the above Inc above
Curled Dock Curly Dock Rumex crispus Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) Pink, Red, Green Many Inc in the above Inc above
Black Bindweed   Fallopia convolvulus Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) White, Green 5 Greens Yes
Knotgrass   Polygonum aviculare Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) White, Pink 5 Whites & Pale NEED FLOWER
Redshank / Redleg   Persicaria maculosa Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) Red, Pink Berry-like Reds, Pinks  
Common Sorrel   Rumex acetosa Dock & Knotweed Family (Polygonaceae) Pink, Red, Pale Berry-like Reds, Pinks Yes
Wood Anemone Smell Fox, Windflower, Thimbleweed Anemonoides nemorosa Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) White 6 Whites & Pale  
Grannys Bonnet Aquilegia, Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Blue, Purple, White 5 inner, 5 outer Whites & Pale, Blues & Purples  
Creeping Buttercup   Ranunculus repens Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Meadow Buttercup   Ranunculus acris Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Yellow 5 Inc in the above  
Bulbous Buttercup   Ranunculus bulbosus Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Yellow 5 Inc in the above  
Goldilocks Buttercup Wood Buttercup Ranunculus auricomas Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Lesser Celandine Pilewort, Foalsfoot, Spring Messenger, Golden Guinea Ficaria verna Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Yellow 7 to 11 Yellows & Oranges  
Stinking Hellebore Setter-Wort Helleborus foetidus Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Green 5 Greens  
Red Campion Pink Campion, Red Catchfly Silene dioica Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Red, Pink,  White 5 Reds, Pinks  
Pink Campion   Silene latifolia x dioica = S. x hampeana Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Red, Pink,  White 5 Reds, Pinks  
Common Chickweed   Stellaria media Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Upright Chickweed   Moenchia erecta Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) White 5 NEED FLOWER NEED FLOWER
Corncockle   Agrostemma githago Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Purple, Pink 5 Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Common Mouseear   Cerastium fontanum Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Sticky Mouseear   Cerastium glomeratum Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Greater Stitchwort   Stellaria holostea Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Lesser Stitchwort   Stellaria graminea Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Procumbent Pearlwort   Sagina procumbens Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Green 4 Greens Yes
Annual Pearlwort   Sagina apetala Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Green 4 Greens Inc above
Slender Pearlwort   Sagina apetala ssp. Filicaulis Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Green 4 Browns Inc above
Sand Spurrey   Spergularia rubra Carnation (Pink) / Campion Family (Caryophyllaceae) Pink 5 Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks Yes
Common Centaury   Centaurium erythraea Gentian / Centaury Family (Gentianaceae) Pink 5 Reds, Pinks  
Corn Chamomile   Anthemis arvensis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Whites & Pale  
Cornflower   Centaurea cyanus Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Blue, Purple Many Blues, Purples  
Perennial Cornflower   Centaurea montana Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple Many Blues, Purples  
Chicory Succory Cichorium intybus Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Pale blue Many Blues, Purples  
Marsh Cudweed   Gnaphalium uliginosum Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, Green, Yellow Many Browns  
Daisy   Bellis perennis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White Many Whites & Pale  
Oxeye Daisy Moon Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Bristly Oxtongue   Helminthotheca echiodes Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Cats Ear   Hypochaeris radicata Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Common Fleabane   Pulicaria dysenterica Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Dandelion Pissabed, Devil's Milk Pail, Heart Fever Grass Taraxicum officinale agg. Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Fox & Cubs Orange Hawkweed Pilosella aurantiaca Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Goats Beard   Tragopogon pratensis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Groundsel   Senecio vulgaris Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow None Yellows & Oranges  
Sticky Groundsel Stinking Groundsel Senecio viscosus Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Inc in the above  
Autumn Hawkbit   Scorzoneroides autumnalis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Beaked Hawksbeard   Crepis vesicaria Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Smooth Hawksbeard   Crepis capillaris Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Hawkweed Oxtongue Oxtongue Hawkweed Picris hieracioides Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Corn Marigold   Glebionis segetum Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Nipplewort   Lapsana communis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Common Ragwort   Jacobaea vulgaris Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Hoary Ragwort   Jacobaea erucifolia Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Inc in the above  
Shrub Ragwort   Brachyglottis x jubar Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Inc in the above  
Silver Ragworth   Jacobeae maritima Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Inc in the above  
Perennial Sowthistle Corn Sowthistle Sonchus arvensis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Prickly Sowthistle Rough Sowthistle Sonchus asper Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Smooth Sowthistle Common Sowthistle Sonchus oleraceus Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Feverfew   Tanacetum parthenium Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Whites & Pale  
Argentine Fleabane   Erigeron bonariensis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Whites & Pale, Yellows & Oranges  
Bilbaos Fleabane   Erigeron floribundus Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Inc in the above  
Guernsey Fleabane   Erigeron sumatrensis Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Inc in the above  
Winter Heliotrope   Petasites fragrans Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, Pink Many Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Hemp Agrimony   Eupatorium cannabinum Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, Pink Many Reds, Pinks  
Scentless Mayweed   Tripleeurospermum inodorum Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Whites & Pale  
Scented Mayweed   Matricaria chamomilla Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Inc in the above  
Mugwort   Artemisia vulgaris Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White, yellow Many Browns, Reds & Pinks  
Pineapple Weed   Matricaria discoidea Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Yellow None Yellows & Oranges  
Greater Burdock   Arctium lappa Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple, Pink Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Lesser Burdock   Arctium minus Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple, Pink Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Chalk Knapweed   Cantaurea debeauxii Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Black Knapweed Common Knapweed, Hardhead Cantaurea nigra Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple Many Inc in the above  
Creeping Thistle   Cirsium arvense Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples  
Spear Thistle   Cirsium vulgare Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Yarrow Millfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Nose-Bleed Achillea millefolium Daisy & Dandelion Family (Asteraceae) White Many Whites & Pale  
Common Birds Foot Trefoil Eggs & Bacon, Tom Thumb Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow, Orange Pea-Like Yellows & Oranges  
Common Birds Foot Trefoil (sativus)   Lotus corniculatus var. sativus Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Pea-Like Inc in the above  
Hairy Birds Foot Trefoil   Lotus subbiflorus Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Pea-Like Yellows & Oranges  
Greater Birds Foot Trefoil   Lotus pedunculatus Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Pea-Like Yellows & Oranges  
Red Clover   Trifolium pratense Pea Family (Fabaceae) Red, Pink,  White Many Reds, Pinks  
White Clover Dutch Clover, Kentish Clover Trifolium repens Pea Family (Fabaceae) Pink, White Many Whites & Pale  
Common Gorse Furze Ulex europaeus Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Pea-Like NEED FLOWER  
Dwarf Gorse   Ulex minor Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Pea-Like NEED FLOWER  
Black Medick   Medicago lupulina Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Spotted Medick   Medicago arabica Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Tall Melilot Golden Melilot Melilotus altissimus Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Broad Leaved Everlasting Pea   Lathyrus latifolius Pea Family (Fabaceae) Pink Pea-Like Reds, Pinks  
Sainfoin   Onobrychis vicifolia Pea Family (Fabaceae) Pink, Purple, Red Pea-like Reds, Pinks  
Hairy Tare Hairy Vetch Vicia hirsuta, Ervilia hirsuta Pea Family (Fabaceae) White Pea-like Whites & Pale Yes
Smooth Tare   Vicia tetrasperma, Ervum tetraspermum Pea Family (Fabaceae) Purple, White Pea-like Blues & Purples Yes
Lesser Trefoil   Trifolium dubium Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Slender Trefoil   Trifolium micranthum Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges Yes
Bush Vetch   Vicia sepium Pea Family (Fabaceae) Blue, Purple Pea-like Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Common Vetch (var. segetalis)   Vicia sativa var. segetalis Pea Family (Fabaceae) Pink, Purple, Red Pea-like Reds, Pinks  
Tufted Vetch   Vicia cracca Pea Family (Fabaceae) Blue, Purple, Pink Pea-like Blues & Purples  
Grass Vetchling   Lathyrus nissolia Pea Family (Fabaceae) Pink Pea-like Reds, Pinks  
Meadow Vetchling   Lathyrus pratensis Pea Family (Fabaceae) Yellow Pea-like Yellows & Oranges  
Bloody Cranesbill   Geranium sanguineum Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple 5 Reds, Pinks  
Cut leaved Cranesbill Cut-Leaved Geranium Geranium dissectum Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple, Pale 5 Reds, Pinks  
French Cranesbill   Geranium endressii Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple, Pale 5 Reds, Pinks  
Pencilled Cranesbill Pencilled Geranium Geranium versicolor Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple, Pale 5 Whites & Pale  
Purple Cranesbill Purple Geranium, Showy Cranesbill Geranium x magnificum Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Purple 5 Blues & Purples  
Herb Robert Stinking Bob Geranium robertianum Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple, Pale 5 Reds, Pinks  
Round Leaved Cranesbill   Geranium rotundifolium Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple, Pale 5 Reds, Pinks  
Thurstons Cranesbill   Geranium x oxonianum Cranesbill (Geranium) Family (Geraniaceae) Pink, Purple, Pale 5 Reds, Pinks  
Daffodil   Narcissus agg. Onion & Garlic Family (Alliaceae) White, yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Three Cornered Garlic White Bluebell, Three Cornered Leek Allium triquetrum Onion & Garlic Family (Alliaceae) White 6 Whites & Pale  
Star of Persia   Allium cristophii Onion & Garlic Family (Alliaceae) White 6 Blues & Purples  
Common Snowdrop Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis Onion & Garlic Family (Alliaceae) White 6 Whites & Pale  
Green Snowdrop   Galanthus woronwii Onion & Garlic Family (Alliaceae) White 6 Inc in the above  
Star of Bethlehem   Ornithogalum umbellatum ssp. campestre Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae) White 6 Whites & Pale  
Summer Snowflake Loddon Lily Leucojum aestivum Onion & Garlic Family (Alliaceae) White 6 Whites & Pale  
Lemon Balm Balm Melissa officinalis Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) White Hooded Whites & Pale  
Bugle   Ajuga reptans Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Blue, Purple, Pale Hooded Blues & Purples  
Red Deadnettle   Lamium purpureum Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Pink, Purple,  Hooded Reds, Pinks  
White Deadnettle White Archangel Lamium album Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) White Hooded Whites & Pale  
Ground Ivy Ale Hoof Glechoma hederacea Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Blue, Purple Hooded Blues & Purples  
Water Mint   Mentha aquatica Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Purple, Pale Many Whites & Pale  
Jerusalem Sage Yellow Clary Phlomis fruticosa Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Selfheal   Prunella vulgaris Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Blue, Purple Hooded Blues & Purples  
Wild Marjoram Oregano Origanum vulgare Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Pink, Pale Many Reds, Pinks  
Hedge Woundwort   Stachys sylvatica Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Pink, Red Hooded Reds, Pinks  
Marsh Woundwort   Stachys palustris Mint/Deadnettle Family (Lamiaceae) Pink, Red Hooded Reds, Pinks  
Common Figwort   Scrophularia nodosa Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae) Green Berry-like Greens  
Foxglove   Digitalis purpurea Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Pink, Purple Bell-like Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Common Field Speedwell   Veronica persica Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue 4 Blues & Purples  
Green Field Speedwell   Veronica agrestis Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue, Pale 4 Blues & Purples, Whites & Pale  
Grey Field Speedwell   Veronica polita Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue 4 Blues & Purples  
Germander Speedwell   Veronica chamaedrys Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue 4 Blues & Purples  
Ivy Leaved Speedwell hederifolia   Veronica hederifolia ssp hederifolia Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue 4 Blues & Purples  
Ivy Leaved Speedwell lucorum   Veronica hederifolia ssp lucorum Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Purple, Pale 4 Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Thyme Leaved Speedwell   Veronica serpylifolia Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Pale, Blue 4 Blues & Purples, Whites & Pale  
Wall Speedwell Corn Speedwell Veronica arvensis Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue 4 Blues & Purples  
Wood Speedwell   Veronica montana Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Purple 4 Blues & Purples  
Purple Toadflax   Linaria purpurea Speedwell Family (Veronicaceae) Blue, purple Many Blues & Purples  
Common Fumitory Drug Fumitory, Earth Smoke Fumaria officinalis Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) Pink, Red Tube-like Reds & Pinks  
Common Poppy Flanders Poppy, Red Poppy Papaver rhoeas Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) Red Many Reds & Pinks  
Opium Poppy (ssp. somniferum)   Papaver somniferum ssp. Somniferum Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Shirley Poppy   Papaver rhoeas agg. Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) Pink Many Reds & Pinks  
Fat Hen   Chenopodium album Goosefoot Family (Amaranthaceae) Green Many Greens Yes
Red Goosefoot   Oxybasis rubra, Chenopodium rubrum Goosefoot Family (Amaranthaceae) Green, Pink Many Greens, Reds & Pinks NEED FLOWER
Many Seeded Goosefoot   Lipandra polysperma, Chenopodium polyspermum Goosefoot Family (Amaranthaceae) Green, Pink Many Inc in the above NEED FLOWER
Common Orache   Atriplex patula Goosefoot Family (Amaranthaceae) Green Many Greens NEED FLOWER
Spear Leaved Orache Hastate Orache Atriplex prostrate Goosefoot Family (Amaranthaceae) Green Many Inc in the above NEED FLOWER
Honeysuckle   Lonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle Family (Caprifoliaceae) Yellow, Pink, Pale Many Reds & Pinks, Yellows & Oranges  
Field Horsetail   Equisetum arvense Horsetail Family (Equisetaceae) Green Toadstool-Like NEED FRUTING BODY  
Hypericum Hidcote   Hypericum x hidcoteense Hypericum Family (Hypericaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Rose of Sharon   Hypericum calcycinum Hypericum Family (Hypericaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Imperforate St Johns Wort   Hypericum maculatum Hypericum Family (Hypericaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Perforate St Johns Wort   Hypericum perforatum Hypericum Family (Hypericaceae) Yellow 5 Inc in the above  
Tutsan   Hypericum androsaemum Hypericum Family (Hypericaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Yellow Crocus   Crocus x stellaris Iris Family (Iridaceae) Yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Early Crocus Crocus Crocuys tommasinianus Iris Family (Iridaceae) Purple 6 Blues & Purples  
Pale Yellow Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium Sisyrinchium striatum Iris Family (Iridaceae) Yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Yellow Iris Flag Iris pseudacorus Iris Family (Iridaceae) Yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Montbretia   Crocosmia aurea x pottsii Iris Family (Iridaceae) Orange, Yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Common Ivy   Hedera helix Ivy Family (Hederaceae) Green 5 Greens  
Snakes Head Fritillary Fritillary, Snakes Head Fritillaria meleagris Lilly Family (Liliaceae) Red, Purple, White 6 Reds & Pinks  
Purple Loosestrife   Lythrum salicaria Loosestrife Family (Lythraceae) Purple, Pink Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Common Mallow Cheesecakes Malva sylvestris Mallow Family (Malvaceae) Purple 5 Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Moschatel Townhall Clock Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel Family (Adocaceae) Green 4 to 5 Greens  
Stinging Nettle Common Nettle Urtica dioica Nettle Family (Urticaceae) Green, Pink Catkins Greens, Reds & Pinks  
Black Nightshade   Solanum nigrum Nightshade Family (Solanaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Early Purple Orchid   Orchis mascula Orchid Family (Orchidaceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Pyrammidal Orchid   Anacamptis pyramidalis Orchid Family (Orchidaceae) Purple Many Reds & Pinks  
Pink Sorrel   Oxalis articulata Wood-Sorrel Family (Oxalidaceae) Pink 5 Reds & Pinks  
Procumbent Yellow Sorrel Spreading Yellow Sorrel, Creeping Wood Sorrel Oxalis corniculata Wood-Sorrel Family (Oxalidaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Greater Periwinkle   Vinca major Periwinkle Family (Apocynaceae) Purple 5 Blues & Purples  
Creeping Jenny   Lysimachia nummularia Primrose Family (Primulaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Scarlet Pimpernel Poor Mans Weatherglass Lysimachia arvensis Primrose Family (Primulaceae) Red, Orange 5 Reds & Pinks  
Primrose   Primula vulgaris Primrose Family (Primulaceae) Yellow 5 Whites & Pale, Yellows & Oranges, Reds & Pinks  
Agrimony   Agrimonia eupatoria Rose Family (Rosaceae) Yellow Many Yellows & Oranges  
Wood Avens Herb Bennet Geum urbanum Rose Family (Rosaceae) Yellow 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Blackthorn Sloe, May Prunus spinosa Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Bramble Blackberry Rubus fruticosus Rose Family (Rosaceae) White, Pink 5 Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Cherry Plum   Prunus cerasifera Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Creeping Cinquefoil   Potentilla reptans Rose Family (Rosaceae) Yellow 4 to 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Tormentil   Potentilla erecta Rose Family (Rosaceae) Yellow 4 to 5 Yellows & Oranges  
Hawthorn   Crataegus monogyna Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 4 to 5 Whites & Pale  
Meadowsweet   Filipendula ulmaria Rose Family (Rosaceae) White Many Whites & Pale  
Parsley Piert   Aphanes arvensis Rose Family (Rosaceae) Green 4 to 5 Greens Yes
Dog Rose   Rosa canina Rose Family (Rosaceae) Pink, Pale 5 Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Field Rose   Rosa arvensis Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Japanese Rose   Rosa rugosa Rose Family (Rosaceae) Pink 5 Reds & Pinks  
Silverweed   Potentilla anserina, Argentina anserina Rose Family (Rosaceae) Yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Barren Strawberry   Potentilla sterilis Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Wild Strawberry   Fragraria vesca Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Fodder Burnet   Poterium sanguisorba ssp. Balearicum Rose Family (Rosaceae) Red, White Spike Reds & Pinks  
Salad Burnet   Poterium sanguisorba  Rose Family (Rosaceae) Red, White Spike Inc in the above  
Field Scabious   Knautia arvensis Teasel Family (Dipsacaceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples  
Wild Teasel   Dipsacus fullonum Teasel Family (Dipsacaceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples  
Broad Leaved Spurge   Euphorbia platyphyllos Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) Green Petalless Greens  
Petty Spurge   Euphorbia peplus Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) Green Petalless Greens  
Caper Spurge Mole Plant Euphorbia lathyris Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) Green Petalless Greens  
Sun Spurge   Euphorbia helioscopia Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) Green Petalless Greens  
Wood Spurge   Euphorbia amygdaloides ssp amygdaloides Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) Green Petalless Greens  
Turkish Wood Spurge   Euphorbia amygdaloides ssp robbiae Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) Green Petalless Greens  
Butterfly Stonecrop Ice Plant Sedum spectabile Stonecrop Family (Crassulaceae) Pink, pale Many Reds & Pinks  
Hemlock Water Dropwort   Oenanthe crocata Umbellifers / Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Whites & Pale  
Ground Elder Gout Weed Aegopodium podagraria Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Hogweed Cow Parsnip Heracleum sphondylium Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White, Pink Many Inc in the above  
Cow Parsley   Anthriscus sylvestris Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Fools Parsley   Aethusa cynapium Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Sheeps Parsley   Petroselenium crispum Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Stone Parsley   Sison amomum Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Upright Hedge Parsley   Torillis japonica Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Wild Carrot   Daucus carota Carrot Family (Apiaceae) White Many Inc in the above  
Common Cornsalad Lambs Lettuce Valerianella locusta Valerian Family (Valerianaceae) White, Pale 5 Whites & Pale Yes
Red Valerian   Centranthus rubra Valerian Family (Valerianaceae) Pink, Red 5 Reds & Pinks  
Vervain   Verbena officinalis Verbena/Vervain Family (Verbenaceae) Pink, pale 5 Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Grape Viine   Vitis vinifera Vine Family (Vitaceae) Pink, pale 5 NEED FLOWER  
Wild Pansy   Viola tricolor Violet Family (Violaceae) Purple 5 Blues & Purples  
Common Dog Violet   Viola riviniana Violet Family (Violaceae) Purple 5 Blues & Purples  
Early Dog Violet Wood Dog Violet Viola reichenbachiana Violet Family (Violaceae) Purple 5 Blues & Purples  
Sweet Violet   Viola odorata Violet Family (Violaceae) Purple, white 5 Blues & Purples  
Enchanters Nightshade   Circaea lutetiana Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) White 2 Whites & Pale  
Large Flowered Evening Primrose   Oenothera glazioviana Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) Yellow 4 Yellows & Oranges  
American Willowherb   Epilobium ciliatum Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) White, Pink 4 Whites & Pale, Reds & Pinks  
Broad Leaved Willowherb   Epilobium montanum Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) Pink 4 Reds & Pinks  
Great Willowherb Codlins & Cream Epilobium hirsutum Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) Pink, Purple 4 Reds & Pinks  
Hoary Willowherb   Epilobium parviflorum Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) Pale Pink 4 Reds & Pinks  
Short Fruited Willowherb   Epilobium obscurum Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) Pale Pink 4 Reds & Pinks  
Square Stalked Willowherb   Epilobium tetragonum Willowherb Family (Onagraceae) Pale Pink 4 Reds & Pinks  
SHRUBS & BUSHES              
Aspen   Populus tremula Willow Family (Salicaceae)   Catkins NEED FLOWER  
Bay Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis Bay Family (Lauraceae) White Tube-like Whites & Pale  
Butterfly Bush   Buddleja davidii Figwort Family (Scrophylariaceae) Purple Many Blues & Purples, Reds & Pinks  
Dogwood   Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Family (Cornaceae) White 4 to 5 Whites & Pale  
Elder Elderflower, Elderberry Sambucus nigra Elder Family (Adoxaceae) White Many Whites & Pale  
Forsythia   Forsythia suspensa Olive Family (Oleaceae) Yellow 4 Yellows & Oranges  
Guelder Rose   Viburnum opulus Elder Family (Adoxaceae) White 5 NEED FLOWER  
Holly   Ilex aquifolium Holly Family (Aquifoliaceae) Pink, Pale 4 NEED FLOWER  
Highclere Holly   Ilex aquifolium ssp. Altaclerensis Holly Family (Aquifoliaceae) Pink, Pale 4 NEED FLOWER  
Cherry Laurel   Prunus laurocerasus Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 Whites & Pale  
Lilac   Syringa vulgaris Olive Family (Oleaceae) Purple 4 Blues & Purples  
Mock Orange Sweet Mock Orange, English Dogwood Philadelphus coronarius Mock Orange Family (Hydrangeaceae) White 4 Whites & Pale  
Oregon Grape   Mahonia aquifolium Barberry Family (Berberidaceae) Yellow 6 Yellows & Oranges  
Garden Privet   Ligustrum ovalifolium Olive Family (Oleaceae) White 4 Whites & Pale  
Wild Privet   Ligustrum vulgare Olive Family (Oleaceae) White 4 Inc in the above  
Rowan Mountain Ash Sorbus auruparia Rose Family (Rosaceae) White 5 NEED FLOWER  
Snowberry   Symphoricarpos albus Honeysuckle Family (Caprifoliaceae) White, Pink 5 NEED FLOWER  
Spindle European Spindle Euonymus europaeus Spindle Family (Celastraceae) Green 4 Whites & Pale, Greens  
Evergreen Spindle   Euonymus japonicus Spindle Family (Celastraceae) Green 4 Greens  
Eared Willow   Salix aurita Willow/Poplar Family (Salicaceae) Green Catkins NEED FLOWER  
Grey Willow   Salix cinerea ssp. Cinerea Willow/Poplar Family (Salicaceae) Green Catkins NEED FLOWER  
Yew   Taxus baccata Yew Family (Taxaceae) White, brown Cones NEED FLOWER